Small Frenzy 2024 Information and Registration Page

All Small Frenzy working spots are full!

If you registered for working spots you will receive an email notifying you of whether you are in or on the waitlist by Tuesday March 12th. Please make sure your email is spelled correctly!

Click here to register for the WAITLIST

Click here to register for AUDITING SPOTS


Tuesday April 16th

*New!* Near and Far! With Soshana and Stef  (morning/afternoon session)

Date: Tuesday 4/16/24

Time: 8am-4pm (with a 1 hour lunch break)

10 Participants 

Cost: $220

Location: Super Skills Hall part 1 Main arena Part 2 - This is a full day seminar. Part 2 builds on part 1.

Description: To layer or not to layer? It is important for the dog to be able to work very close and also very far from the handler for ultimate success in international style coursework. In this seminar you will learn how to train your dog to happily work both “near and far”

Spend the first half of the seminar with Soshana discussing theory and learning the foundations necessary for training and handling your dog to work both very close to you (bypasses etc) and very far away (layering etc).

The second half of the day Stefanie will help you put your skills into practice on coursework designed to illustrate where/how to be near and where/how to be far, and challenge you to be able to handle either way. The coursework will be UKI Masters series/ISC Level 3 style but can be broken down to help achieve understanding from both dog and handler. This is a full day workshop. Please note the 8am start time.

*New!* Near and Far! With Soshana and Stef (Afternoon/evening session)

Date: Tuesday 4/16/24

Time: 12:30pm-8:30pm (with a 1 hour dinner break)

10 Participants 

Cost: $220

Location: Super Skills Hall part 1 Main arena Part 2 - This is a full day seminar. Part 2 builds on part 1.

Description: Description: To layer or not to layer? It is important for the dog to be able to work very close and also very far from the handler for ultimate success in international style  coursework. In this seminar you will learn how to train your dog to happily work both “near and far.”

Spend the first half of the day with Soshana discussing theory and learning the foundations necessary for training and handling your dog to work both very close to you (bypasses etc) and very far away (layers etc).

The second half of the day Stefanie will help you put your skills into practice on coursework designed to illustrate where to be near and where to be far, and challenge you to be able to handle either way. The coursework will be UKI Masters series/ISC Level 3 style but can be broken down to help achieve understanding from both dog and handler. This is a full day workshop. Please note the 12:30pm start time.

Masters Coursework with Jess

Date: Tuesday 4/16/24

Time: 8am-11:30am

8 Participants 

Cost: $135

Location: Main Arena

Description: Coursework designed to test and improve Masters/Excellent/Grand Prix level skills.  Please note the 8am start time.

Young Dogs with Melanie 

Date: Tuesday 4/16/24

Time: 5pm-8:30pm

8 Participants 

Cost: $135

Location: Super Skills Hall

Description:  Short sequences with jumps and tunnels only designed with young or green dogs in mind.  Dogs 8 months or older can attend.

Wednesday April 17th

Jumpers Coursework with Jess

Date: Wednesday 4/17/24 

Time: 8:00am-11:30am

8 Participants 

Cost: $135

Location: Main Arena

Description: Masters Level Jumpers with Weaves coursework 

Hard Sh*t! with Emily

Date: Wednesday 4/17/24 

Time: 1:30-5PM

8 Participants 

Cost: $135

Location Split Main Arena Side A (split arena)

*This workshop will take place in the split main arena.  Note that there will be another dog working on the other side behind a visual barrier.

Description: As the name implies- this workshop will focus on difficult sequences geared towards

ISC/Masters Series/Biathlon style challenges. It is intended to challenge both the dogs and

handlers. Prior knowledge of discriminations, higher level backside and threadle skills is


Blind Cross Anywhere/Anytime! with Melanie

Date: Wednesday 4/17/24 

Time: 1:30-5PM

8 Participants 

Cost: $135

Location: Main Arena Side B (split arena)

*This workshop will take place in the split main arena.  Note that there will be another dog working on the other side behind a visual barrier.

Description: This highly popular workshop will provide a clear understanding of the progression required to train and handle blind crosses.  Start with a one jump exercise and then apply it to short sequences. 

Backsides and Threadles! with Perry and Emily 

Date: Wednesday 4/17/24

Time: 9:00am-5pm (with a 1 hour lunch break)

10 Participants 

Cost: $220

Location: Super Skills Hall

Description: This is a full day workshop. Learn how to train and cue your dog to perform backsides and threadles (insides of jumps).  This will be a training focused workshop but sequences will be used to help proof understanding for dog and handler.  Spend the morning training and running short sequences that focus on Backsides with Emily and the afternoon training and running short sequences that focus on Theadles with Perry. Any level dog is welcome but a basic knowledge of sequencing is needed.

Thursday April 18th

*New* Discrimination Games with Melanie 

Date: Thursday 4/18/24

Time: 9am-12:30pm

8 Participants 

Cost: $135

Location: Super Skills Hall

Description: Come learn a variety of games all geared towards developing the ability to listen and problem solve while on the agility course!  We all know that every agility course is different and our dogs need to be able to adapt and change and listen when presented with similar but different pictures.  These games require minimal equipment and are suitable for puppies 6 months and older as well as seasoned agility dogs looking to improve in these areas.  Melanie will explain both the games as well as how to troubleshoot when things don’t go as planned and how to keep your pup’s success rate and fun factor high!

Young Dogs with Emily 

Date: Thursday 4/18/24

Time: 1:30-5pm

8 Participants 

Cost: $135

Location: Super Skills Hall

Description:  Short sequences with jumps and tunnels only designed with young or green dogs in mind.  Dogs 8 months or older can attend.

Tunnels! AKA Agents of Chaos with Perry and Emily

Date: Thursday 4/18/24

Time: 9:00am-5:00pm (with a one hour lunch break)

10 Participants 

Cost: $220

Location: Main Arena Side A (spilt arena)

*This workshop will take place in the split main arena.  Note that there will be another dog working on the other side behind a visual barrier.

Description: This a full day workshop. All things Tunnels! This workshop will focus on sequencing and the training of this underestimated obstacle. Complicated entrances, exits, tunnel bypass, turns, and go ons! Perfect your tunnel skills on the obstacle that seems so simple yet can offer tons of challenges. You will spend half the day focusing on skills with Emily and half the day focusing on testing skills in sequences with Perry. Green dogs welcome.

Stop Rushing! Start Connecting! with Perry

Date: Thursday 4/18/24

Time: 9am-12:30pm

8 Participants 

Cost: $135

Location: Main Arena Side B  (spilt arena)

*This workshop will take place in the split main arena.  Note that there will be another dog working on the other side behind a visual barrier.

Description: Rushing is one of the most common mistakes people make in agility. It can cause refusals, off courses, bars, and lots of frustration for our dogs. Learn how to see and trust commitment and expand your dogs skills so you never feel rushed and develop seamless teamwork with your dog. Dogs should be able to run longer sequences. Contacts and weaves may be included.

Either/Or! With Jess (Jumps and tunnels only)

Date: Thursday 4/18/24

Time: 1:30-5pm

8 Participants 

Cost: $135

Location: Main Arena Side B (spilt arena)

*This workshop will take place in the split main arena.  Note that there will be another dog working on the other side behind a visual barrier.

Description: Classic “either/or” designed with young or green dogs in mind. The best way to test your dog’s understanding of your handling cues as well as your ability to execute them. This workshop will focus on sequences designed to test whether your dog is guessing or is truly following and understanding your cues. Appropriate for dogs who are sequencing jumps and tunnels. Jumps do not need to be full height.