UnitedDogs rock at AKC Nationals

It was a great showing for the UnitedDog team at this year’s AKC National Agility Championship held in Tulsa Oklahoma.


Wit, Hallelujah, Verb, Optimus Prime and Bailey were all competing in the 20” division which had the largest entry of 277 dogs.


R1 STD- NQ, fastest time of the class but an unfortunate bar down

R2 JWW- 3rd place in R2

R3 Hybrid- NQ, bar down, but second fastest time of the class

Optimus Prime

ISC 24”- Winner!

R1 Std- 3rd place

R2 JWW- 7th place

R3 Hybrid- 6th place

Finalists- seeded 2nd


Premier Std 20”- WINNER!

R1 Std- 4th place


R3 Hybrid- 12th (ran in other ring)

Made it to Challengers Round, 1 bar down


R1, R2, R3 Clear rounds!

Finalist - Seeded 17th


ISC 24” 3rd place

R1 Std- 2nd place

R2 JWW- 2nd place

R3 Hybrid- 2nd place

Finalist seeded 1st

Finals - Winner and National Champion!

******** NAC Pride Creek’s Now We’re Talking AX, MXJ *********

Verb is the proud father of NAC Hallelujah! Happy to support his daughter by helping to display her NAC bar :)

Verb is the proud father of NAC Hallelujah! Happy to support his daughter by helping to display her NAC bar :)

We are proud of our dogs and accomplishments!