Agility Classes at UnitedDog

Classes currently open for Registration

The classes listed below are open for registration. You will receive an email confirmation once registration is complete.



Tuesdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm

*In the Blue matted area* 

starting 1/21/20

Dogs in this class may be any age over 5 months old, but must have some basic obedience experience and be able to focus with other dogs working. Emphasis will be on having fun while learning some of the skills necessary to move on to competition classes if desired. Enjoy learning about agility without the worry that you or your dog will be overwhelmed. 

The semester will cover teaching play drive skills, restrained recalls, and target sends, as well as sends around and through obstacles. You and your dog will also learn some of the easier crosses and some of the basic obedience skills needed to have fun putting a few obstacles together. If you've ever wanted to try agility, this class is for you!

Agility Foundations Two - Katie Brennan

Tuesdays 7:30pm - 8:30pm

*In the Blue matted area* 

starting 1/7/19

This class is for dog/handler teams who have completed Agility Jump Start and are ready to move on to greater challenges.  Work will continue with curved tunnels and low jumps.  More advanced handling and short sequences will be introduced as we keep up with start line stays and recalls.  Dogs who are physically mature enough will start learning 2x2 weave entrances, working towards 6 poles.  

*NEW* Beginner/Novice Agility - Katie Brennan co taught with Jessica Ajoux

Thursdays 11:00am - 12:00pm

starting 1/23/19 

This class is for dog/handler teams who are ready to begin sequencing obstacles together. Dogs should have been exposed to all contacts, as well as weaves.

*This class is taught in the split main arena. There may be dogs working on the other side behind a visual barrier.

*NEW* Intermediate/Advanced Agility - Katie Brennan co taught with Jessica Ajoux

Thursdays 12:00pm - 1:00pm

starting 1/23/19 

In this class, the emphasis will be placed on putting together longer sequences and developing the skills necessary to start competing. Full height contacts will be used, as well as 12 weave poles. 

*This class is taught in the split main arena. There may be dogs working on the other side behind a visual barrier.


If you are interested in a class that is full please email us at Even if a class is full we can put you on a drop in list. Occasionally we have openings in these classes. The best way to find out is to email us.


(FULL) Novice Class - PERRY DEWITT


This class is designed for young dogs moving up in their training. We will focus on sequences and incorporating contacts and weaves. Attention and time will be given to whatever skills each dog is showing need training.  Dogs should be doing/exposed to all the obstacles. 

(FULL) Course Training - PERRY DEWITT


This class is focused on longer sequences and courses. There will be a walkthrough with discussion followed by running. Focus will be handling strategy and execution. 

(FULL) Course Training - PERRY DEWITT


This class is focused on longer sequences and courses. There will be a walkthrough with discussion followed by running. Focus will be handling strategy and execution. 

(FULL) Course Training - PERRY DEWITT


This class is focused on longer sequences and courses. There will be a walkthrough with discussion followed by running. Focus will be handling strategy and execution. 


(FULL) Advanced Class - JESSICA AJOUX 


This class is designed to allow for a variety of focuses. Either or training sequences, longer sequences or skill focused drills will be used. This class is appropriate for dogs that are sequencing and who have been exposed to all the obstacles. 



This class is designed for Masters level course training. Teams will walk, discuss and run the course. Focus will be on handling strategy and execution. 

(FULL) Masters/International - PERRY DEWITT


This class is focus on high level course training. Walkthrough, discussion and running. International level challenges and advanced skills will presented. 


**IMPORTANT** Wednesday classes will usually be in a split ring - there will be a visual barrier between the two rings. If you are not sure if your dog can handle another dog working on the other side please inquire. 

(FULL) Combo Class - Sequencing/Handling - JESSICA AJOUX

12:30-2:30pm **Class time is 1pm-2pm with a half hour private before and after 

$285 - 4  students - 4 weeks 

This class is designed to allow each student to have private training attached to the class. The class is comprised of 4 students and runs for 1hr. Within the 4 week session, each student is given 2, 1/2hr privates attached before or after the class. This format allows students private time to work on whatever skills are needing extra work and allows teams to focus on the sequencing during class. Exact times and dates of the privates will be determined once the roster is set. 

(FULL) Advanaced Class - Perry DeWitt


This class is designed to allow for a variety of focuses. Either or training sequences, longer sequences or skill focused drills will be used. This class is appropriate for dogs that are sequencing and who have been exposed to all the obstacles. 

This class is designed to allow each student to have private training attached to the class. The class is comprised of 4 students and runs for 1hr. Within the 4 week session, each student is given 2, 1/2hr privates attached before or after the class. This format allows students private time to work on whatever skills are needing extra work and allows teams to focus on the sequencing during class. Exact times and dates of the privates will be determined once the roster is set. 



This class is designed to allow for a variety of focuses. Either or training sequences, longer sequences or skill focused drills will be used. This class is appropriate for dogs that are sequencing and who have been exposed to all the obstacles. 

(FULL) Novice Class - PERRY DEWITT


$145 - 5 students - 4 weeks 

This class is designed for young dogs getting ready to compete.. We will focus beginning sequencing and teaching handling maneuvers. Some contacts and weaves may be used. Attention will be given to training and stringing skills together. 

(FULL) Advanced Class - JESSICA AJOUX 


$145 - 5 students - 4 weeks 

This class is designed to allow for a variety of focuses. Either or training sequences, longer sequences or skill focused drills will be used. This class is appropriate for dogs that are sequencing and who have been exposed to all the obstacles. 


(full) Course Training - JEANIE BURTON 


This class is focused on building to longer sequences and courses for novice and open level dogs. There will be a walkthrough with discussion followed by running. Focus will be handling strategy and execution. Dogs should be doing all the obstacles.